Fees Structure

The Follows platform offers creators multiple ways to monetize their content and maximize their revenue potential. This comprehensive fee structure ensures creators are rewarded fairly while maintaining the platform's sustainability. Here's a detailed explanation of how the fees are structured and how creators can benefit.

Follows Fees Structure

Let's assume that the Follows Price: 100 SOL

  1. Creator Fees (7%):

    • If the Follows price is 100 SOL, 7% of that amount, which is 7 SOL, goes directly to the creator.

  2. Platform Fees (2%):

    • 2% of the 100 SOL, which is 2 SOL, is allocated to the platform as fees.

  3. Referrer Fees (1%):

    • 1% of the 100 SOL, equating to 1 SOL, is given to the referrer.

Here the creator can earn 7 SOL.

Deploy On-Chain Fees Structure

On-Chain Asset Price: 105 SOL

When you deploy your Follows on-chain, there is an additional 5% fee, making the total amount 105 SOL.

  1. Additional Fees:

    • The total fee for deploying on-chain is 5%, which means the price becomes 105 SOL.

  2. Creator Fees (2.5%):

    • From the 105 SOL, 2.5% which is 2.5 SOL goes to the creator.

  3. Platform Fees (2.5%):

    • Another 2.5% which is also 2.5 SOL is allocated to the platform as fees.

Here the creator can earn additional of 2.5 SOL.

Total Creator Earnings

  1. From Follows:

    • Initially, from the Follows price of 100 SOL, the creator earns 7 SOL.

  2. From Deploy On-Chain:

    • When deploying on-chain, the creator earns an additional 2.5 SOL from the on-chain asset price of 105 SOL.

    • This is added to the initial 7 SOL, resulting in a total earning of 9.5 SOL.

By leveraging both Follows and Deploy On-Chain, creators can increase their earnings by 36%, gaining more from their efforts and maximizing their revenue potential on the platform. This comprehensive fee structure ensures creators are rewarded fairly while maintaining platform sustainability.

Last updated