How Creators Can Earn

Trading Follows

Creators have the unique opportunity to invest in themselves by purchasing their own follows on the Follows platform. By believing in their potential and creating compelling content, creators can attract more followers, driving up the value of their follows. By providing valuable content and attracting investors, creators can increase the value of their follows, which directly results in their follows price. When they choose to sell their follows later, they stand to profit from their initial investment.

Royalties from Follow Transactions

Whenever follows of a creator are traded on the platform, the creator earns a percentage of each transaction as royalties. This incentivizes creators to engage with their audience and grow their following, as they benefit from the trading activity of their follows.

Creating Exclusive Content

Creators can leverage their follows to offer exclusive content, special access, or premium features to their followers. By providing additional value to their audience, creators can attract more followers and potentially increase the demand for their follows on the platform. Follows platform is working on bringing more features that can help creators do this.

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