Follows Formula

Follows employs a distinctive formula for executing trades, ensuring a fair and efficient marketplace for users. This formula incorporates various factors, including user demand, market dynamics, and creator popularity, to determine the price and availability of follows. By analyzing these variables in real-time, Follows app optimizes the trading experience for both creators and followers, facilitating transparent and equitable transactions.

Formula Used

currrentSupply = current supply of the token, amount = no of tokens to buy _priceFactor = price factor to control the price hike when supply is high

s1 = currrentSupply == 0 && amount == 1 ? 0 : ((currrentSupply + amount - 1) * (currrentSupply + amount) * (2 * (currrentSupply + amount - 1) + 1)) / 6;

s2 = currrentSupply == 0 ? 0 : ((currrentSupply - 1) * currrentSupply * (2 * (currrentSupply - 1) + 1)) / 6;

summationDiff = s1 - s2; price = (summationDiff * 1 ether) / 16000; FinalPrice = (price * _priceFactor) / 1 ether;

Ethereum is roughly 20 times the price of solana, so we have equated similarly.

Solana Price = $100 , Ethereum Price = $2000

In Ethereum, Alpha = 1 means 100 share costs 0.625 which is apporx $1200

In Solana, Alpha = 1 means 100 share costs approx $1200 ( 12 Solana )

Last updated